Throughout the time when I have been wearing the frame I have had some form of infection in one of the pins or wires. Initially one if the pin sites refused to heal, and eventuallythe pin was removed and a new one added. The clear yellow liquid emitted at the infected site soon movedto another hole. As we closed each hole off it moved to another one. Finally it settled in the inner side of the site of the olive wire. For a few days it heals over, but then a blister appears, bursts, and a small amount of liquid oozes out. The sore stays open for a while until take antibiotics, and then the cycle repeats.
I've probably spent more time on antibiotics than not.
About three weeks ago I emailed the consultant -with photos- and asked if we should be doing something about the problem. No answer. So, 10 days ago I called the clinic to ask for advice, but only got an answering machine. I got on my bike and rode to the hospital.
We took two more Xray shots which seem to show no evidence of the bone being infected. The swabs we have taken always seem to be reported as "no growth".
So, a new batch of antibiotics... And boy is this concoction bad?! My gastric system has suffered a major attack of fluid flow, to put it politely. I started to take Imodium before the meal, to prime the system, then take the antibiotic after the meal to dilute it in the food. The effect was reduced, but nonetheless evident and uncomfortable.
So back to the clinic again today. The sore has healed over, but a blister is developing. The surrounding area is red and tender. The doctor prescribed the original AB, plus an additional one, for a one-month course.
If the AB don't work then I should expect to be called in for another op to clean out any infection. I guess they bore away the infected bone and then somehow fill the hole with a strong antibiotic.