...to wake up without a headache, without a burning shin, and itchy skin.
Imagine that my leg weighs so little that I can swing out out of bed and just stand up.
Imagine that the cramping vice has gone.
Imagine that I can stand up without feeling like my leg is about to explode.
It's almost 5 weeks since the accident. It has become annoyingly boring, it seems to go on and on without improvement. This morning I almost threw my toothbrush across the bathroom in frustration, just because I couldn't quite reach to put it in the right place, and 4 times it fell into the basin.
Imagine that I can just go to the kitchen, make a cup of tea and take it to the sofa.
It's almost 5 weeks since the accident. It has become annoyingly boring, it seems to go on and on without improvement. This morning I almost threw my toothbrush across the bathroom in frustration, just because I couldn't quite reach to put it in the right place, and 4 times it fell into the basin.
This last week has been worse than the previous weeks. The bones grind together when my leg moves or shifts position. I have stopped using it when I walk, because of the fiery pain that is the inevitable result. Progress has retarded by more than a week.
I realise that I tend to go to bed early because it shortens the day, and so reduces the time I have to wait until I can walk again.
I realise that I tend to go to bed early because it shortens the day, and so reduces the time I have to wait until I can walk again.