It's been a painful day.
If the team had arranged to have the leg checked every week, rather than sending me off for a full fortnight of adjustments, we would have spotted the current problem a week earlier and the solution would have been decided upon immediately.
If the consultant had been available at the clinic last week then the decision would have been made 5 days ago.
If we count from the first day of the adjustments which caused the problem (the painful day) it has now been 20 days since the pain started. It's been 13 days since we should have discovered the problem. It's been 6 days since we knew about it. It's 6 and a half weeks since the surgery, and one of the pin sites is still bleeding and seeping clear yellow liquid.
And yet nothing has been done.
I was expecting a call from the hospital today, but have heard nothing. I emailed them to ask if it had been discussed, or if there was a plan. There was no reply.
This is my leg. It's my future. I am worried.