Alice drank a potion, and her world suddenly changed, she became small. The invalid has a similar change; their world shrinks.
One day you need a nice shiny TV, high quality sound from your Hifi, knife foek and spoon, the right glass, a nice car, a clean and tidy house, lots of clothes, a range of shoes that compliment your outfit, a broad and varied diet... What things look like is important.
The next day you need food, any food that is easy to buy, store, and prepare. You need a simple radio that will keep you in touch with the world and if you are lucky, play music that you like. You need plastic containers to carry your food, and you can eat with your fingers and drink from the bottle. You need a small stack of t-shirts, shorts, and underwear next to your bed so that you can dress with a minimum of problems. Your house becomes a corridor of stuff which has been left near to where it might be needed, or where it was last needed, and no longer put away in cupboards or on shelves. You need a urinal bottle by the bed. You have 1 pair of trainers that are easy to wear, and sandals for warm days. You need a bag to carry anything. And that's all.
Your world has shrunk.