Wednesday, December 14, 2011

'tis the season for giving.

My trousers have reached Poland. I took them in to the hospital so that they could be given to any needy person. Apparently a Polish lorry driver broke his leg and was fitted with a frame, and now wears my trousers back home. I wish him the best of luck.

There are two more pairs of trousers to give away, and the original shorts given to me when I had no clothes on a very very cold and snowy Monday in December. They came from a soldier from Aghanistan.

I have still to give away my comfy crutches. But I don't want to lose them until I am fairly sure that I will not need them again. I find Ade's story horrifically frightening.

I also have the extended bicycle pedal to give away. I have asked Debbie (at the hospital) to let me know if anyone can use it.

This year I have to think about Christmas presents for the family. Last year I didn't bother.

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